Tips for Abstract Authors: IPATH Annual Meeting 2024
This webpage is meant to provide accepted abstract authors presenting at the IPATH Annual Meeting with permission to BREAK TRADITION. Please avoid presenting by standing behind the podium and reading information off a professional slide deck. Give your audience a different perspective. Move around the room. Be engaging. STAND ON THE DESK!! We want you to think "Dead Poets' Society!" Click HERE before you go any further to read the article on “How PowerPoint is Killing Critical Thought." Remember, if you find it necessary to read directly from a PowerPoint slide, you don't know the information. Be excited to share your work! Enthusiasm is infectious. |
Be Creative. Take a Risk. Leave them Laughing. Tell a Story. Be Dynamic.
Overall Oral Presentation Guidelines
Each accepted abstract session will be organized into blocks of 90 minutes with three (3) to four (4) presentations. Each abstract author will have 15-20 minutes to present their work. We would like you to work with the other members of your assigned team to come up with a title for the session and order of presentations. In addition, you will NOT be assigned a moderator, rather you will introduce each other (or nominate a member of your team to introduce each team member) to the audience by reading a brief 100-word biography. Each team is encouraged to create an interactive activity for the audience. |
Why is an interactive audience activity part of this conference? It has been scientifically proven that most people learn through doing. If the audience is actively engaged, it's more likely that the presented information will be memorable; thus have a greater impact. Plus, in preparing for this activity, you get to know your teammates and build a sense of cohesion through cross-disciplinary and multi-sector communication/brainstorming, commitment, team strategy, risk-taking and innovation. Of course, the option to deviate from the status quo is completely voluntary. If your team comes to a consensus and prefers to stand behind a podium to deliver the presentations; this decision will be respected.
Presenting at the IPATH Annual Meeting will involve more work on your part as compared to other conferences. Please keep this in mind when submitting your abstract. Take a few minutes to read through "How to prepare and deliver an effective oral presentation". IPATH has also created a few Pop-Up Workshops to help with your initial abstract preparation. Click HERE to be directed to these resources.
HAVE FUN! ...There might just be a prize for the most creative/innovative session?
Presenting at the IPATH Annual Meeting will involve more work on your part as compared to other conferences. Please keep this in mind when submitting your abstract. Take a few minutes to read through "How to prepare and deliver an effective oral presentation". IPATH has also created a few Pop-Up Workshops to help with your initial abstract preparation. Click HERE to be directed to these resources.
HAVE FUN! ...There might just be a prize for the most creative/innovative session?
Pecha Kucha Presenter Standards & Guidelines
Pecha Kucha 20x20 is a simple presentation format where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images for a total of seven (7) minutes. More images are used as opposed to text. This format directs audience attention to the presenter. In addition, teams will have 10-minutes to deliver a series of rapid-fire questions following each presentation. These questions should be prepared prior to the session. Please take a few minutes to listen to the YouTube video on how to prepare your slides and present Pecha Kucha style. |
Poster Presenter Standards & Guidelines
Poster presenters have an added challenge to be creative given the individual nature of the presentation style. IPATH Annual Meeting will implement a new poster judging process in an attempt to put our abstract authors in the spotlight. During a designated poster session, teams will introduce each other to a panel of 4-6 judges and any delegates who have gathered for the presentation. Judges will then visit each poster at which time the presenter will have approximately 5-8 minutes to explain the nature of their research investigation and/or project. The top two scoring BEST posters (High scoring abstract winners are NOT eligible for this award but will be acknowledged during the Awards Luncheon if their poster is also a high scoring entry.) will receive a certificate and a $200 USD CASH award to be presented during the Awards Luncheon on Friday, 4 October 2024. |
It's always a good idea to have hard copy materials available for your audience, promotional items and a few pieces of candy available to bribe the judges and draw a crowd! Have fun and good luck.

IPATH has partnered with My Color Copies to have your scientific poster professionally printed on a lightweight, crease-free & scratch-resistant fabric material. This is a convenient option to transport your poster in a suitcase instead of hauling it around in a clumsy cylinder through baggage claim and throughout your travels. Plus, the fabric poster can be re-used at another conference!
My Color Copies will provide an expert review of your poster prior to printing along with a 20% discount to IPATH delegates who place their order 30 days prior to the start of the conference (Deadline: Monday, 2 September 2024). Send an email to [email protected] and attach your print file to it. You can attach either a PDF or JPEG file. If sending a JPEG file, make sure it is in RGB mode and that the resolution is at least 100 dpi at the final size of your presentation poster. Include your contact info and someone from My Color Copies will reach out to you personally to confirm your order prior to printing. You can also call Dan Barton (owner) at 801.491.6931 with any questions.
My Color Copies will provide an expert review of your poster prior to printing along with a 20% discount to IPATH delegates who place their order 30 days prior to the start of the conference (Deadline: Monday, 2 September 2024). Send an email to [email protected] and attach your print file to it. You can attach either a PDF or JPEG file. If sending a JPEG file, make sure it is in RGB mode and that the resolution is at least 100 dpi at the final size of your presentation poster. Include your contact info and someone from My Color Copies will reach out to you personally to confirm your order prior to printing. You can also call Dan Barton (owner) at 801.491.6931 with any questions.