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Committee on 'Not So Smart Cities'
Form & Function
Form & Function
This innovative committee will apply critical thinking and evidence-based research to investigate the form and function of the Smart Cities scheme on quality of life, human and well-being in urban developments. The information on the dangers of Smart Cities will challenge the highly accepted narrative based on technological efficiencies and put PEOPLE back into the design and planning of a city along maintaining its culture and history.
The specific aims of this committee will be to:
The specific aims of this committee will be to:
- Compare and contrast Smart Cities v. Urban Consciousness
- Identify the impacts of Smart Cities on quality of life, health and well-being - justice
- Draft policy statements, manuscripts and/or present at professional conference/webinar events
What are smart cities anyways? Where are they? For whom are they intended? By whom were they developed?
" cities have nothing to do with cities, treating our urban environments as a market commodity." Adam Greenfield
"Meaning and value cannot be measured"
Urban Research Study Findings
"...the stranger our interaction during the course of the day, the greater our sense of personal well-being, hope and optimism." |